The Homewood Health Matters Event is back this year!
A family friendly 5K run-walk, 10K bicyling loop, and our health expo on Stargell Field (APOM will be there). Choose one, two, or all three activities as we celebrate a beautiful day in Homewood, Pittsburgh, PA.
Participants will start and finish on Hamilton Avenue near Stargell Field. The 10K bike ride will start at 9 AM where bikers of all abilities will take two loops through Homewood. Participants without a bike can can rent a bike for free on race day compliments of Healthyride Pittsburgh (If renting, participants need to be at least 16 years of age on race day).
Event details and schedule
8:00 am - Race Day Registration Opens
for bikers opens
9:00 am - 10K Bike Ride
for runners/walkers opens
10:00 am - 5K Run-Walk
11:00 am - Free Health Expo on Stargell Field
11:30 am - Free Kids Ribbon Race
Register online --